Albion Primary School

RL - Key Stage 2

Remote Learning Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6)

Whilst you are learning at home, remember to use the learning platforms that you have access to, such as Mathletics, Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Shed as well as the work provided by school. 

In addition to this, continue to read for pleasure every day and record this in your reading log. Some other ideas for things you could do to keep up with your learning at home include writing a diary, writing your own creative stories, research scientists and other educational subjects which interest you using the internet. You could practise your computer coding skills on scratch, brush up on your baking skills (with adult supervision). It is important that you exercise daily and to keep up with the news, watch Newsround every day. You could also watch the David Attenborough programmes about the natural world (available free) on BBC iPlayer - click here.



TTS Activity Pack

Year 4 Practical Ideas

Year 5 Classroom Secrets

Here are some links to support you whilst learning at home:

Mental Maths games

Daily 10 Mental Maths challenge

English games

Creative writing inspiration on Pobble 365

Scratch coding software (free) online or iPad app

BBC Newsround

BBC Bitesize for maths, English, history, Mandarin and more! 

Top Marks

My Mini Maths

Maths Frames

FREE Albions iPhone & Android App