Albion Primary School

Useful Website Links

Useful Website Links

Please refer back to this page regularly, as news links will be added.


Internet Matters Organisation

At Internet Matters, parents and professionals can find the most comprehensive and credible resources, information and support to keep children safe online.


To support your future, visit How2Become. Here you will find resources to support success in KS2 and 11+.

Parent Info

Help and advice for families in a digital world
Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.

Parent Zone Local



Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) - Impact of Screen Time

The health impacts of screen time - a guide for clinicians and parents

RCPH Documents

RCPCH screen time guideRCPCH screen time parent fact sheetInfographic with key thoughts on screen time from children and young people



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